Radarcape:SSH Tunneling

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Imagine you know a remote location with internet access far off, where you like to place a Radarcape. Unfortunately this network is not accessible from your home network, as no domain name (like modesbeast.com) is given to this network. In that case you can let the Radarcape establish a tunnel connection to a known address, reachable by both, the user and the Radarcape. Such a SSH tunnel is secured by SSH, and this is the common way in networking.

Firewall Port Opening

Tunneling of the receiver access through firewalls (SSH tunneling)


Installation of a SSH tunnel

The SSH tunnel is a way to prepare a connection without opening a firewall. With this methode, the Radarcape establishes a connection to a given server and provides its ports right there.

Radarcape essentials

First, generate a SSH key pair on the local Radarcape

cd ~/.ssh
dropbearkey -t rsa -f id_rsa

Set attributes of ~, .ssh and authorized_keys are set to 600.

Server essentials

The server is the common connection point for the user and the Radarcape. It is not necessarily a computer for its own, it can even be the computer.

Next, copy the public key given from above command to the server folder ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Mind that the attributes of ~, .ssh and authorized_keys are set to 600. On the local Radarcape, add the command below to cape.sh. Please remember that cape.sh runs without user settings, so you need to specify the path to the SSH key absolute.

./autossh -M 6667 -f -p <server_ssh_port> -i /home/root/.ssh/id_rsa -N -R *:8002:localhost:80 -R *:1302:localhost:10003 -R *:2202:localhost:22 root@<server_domain> & 

Now the local Radarcape is accessible on <server_domain> under port 8002, 1302 and 2202.

Server Settings

If the server is also a Radarcape, and in case that you want to get access from external devices to the ports through the tunnel, you need to add switch "-a" to the dropbear startup file /lib/systemd/system/[email protected].