Accessories:10 Element Yagi for Mode-S
My G7RQG omni antenna did not receive the aircraft down to ground level of nearby Munich airport. When having a local inversion, I found that there is significantly ground traffic ongoing that I would be able to see on the 30 miles distant Munich airport. So therefore I built a simple 10 element yagi and installed it towards the airport. (In the background, wired to the chimney, you can find my G7RGQ omni antenna)
Not at least this was the reason for the multi channel design of the Mode-S Beast.
So I went into my storage, looked for some material that fits to a design on 1090 MHz (about 2-3 mm element diameter and a 15 mm square boom), took VK5DJ's antenna calculator and quickly designed a 10 element yagi antenna. Download this [[|description], but mind that the element and boom material needs to be adjusted to what you have. This can easily be done with the calculator. The boom is drilled 0.1 mm smaller than the elements and then the elements, which are chamfered, hammered through it.
With this antenna it is easy to receive the ground traffic from the airport.
Construction detail: The driven element